What Should a Home Have?

I lived for close to a decade in 700 sq ft and loved it (well I did have an unheated attic room for an office / storage). I’ve lived for months in 6o sq ft (the kitchen was outside and I pooped in the woods, it sucked when it rained). I can do it. I know that I don’t need more than that. I feel like the need to write things like that because the truth is that I want a shitload of square footage. I want to remain in denial about how bourgeois it is. One of the really appealing things about building underground is that it can disguise the monstrous bulk of a space. Luckily for me, a lot of what I want fits rather naturally into basement space anyway so it’s a natural fit as well.

I’ve tried to outline the main spaces I want, as well as how they fit together. It won’t be possible to actually link all these spaces up the way these diagrams make it appear. It’s sort of an ideal connection description, an attempt at capturing the flow between the spaces. The closer we can get to this the better.